Location: Fót, Hungary
Dates: 1 April 2025 – 30 June 2025
Duration: 4 months
Number of volunteers: 1 young woman between 18-30. Hungarians can also apply!
1. Participation in the operation of the Youth House at Lake Somlyó and in the performance of related tasks
2. Cooperation with the young people of our city, participation in school life, secondary/high schools
3. Producing content for social media
4. Park maintenance
5. Participation in the Events in the town orgainized by the Munucipality
Deadline for application 1 March 2025
Finances: The programme ensures
- monthly pocket money and food allowance (7+7 Euros/day),
- covers travel expenses to the site and
- ensures decent accomodation.
Hosting organisation: Fót Public Service Non-Profit Ltd. (Fóti Közszolgáltató Kft)
Why Fót?
Young dynamic city
Inclusive community with lots of young people
Interesting events
Fót is just a short trip from Budapest

Why this programme?
- Opportunity for self-awareness and empowerment: discover who you are and what you are capable of
- Mentor support: learn from experienced mentors and the coodinators
- Sports opportunities: Fót offers a lot for outdoorsy people. Hike, play sports, discover the beauty of the city and its surroundings
- Social media posts/site management: If you are interested in the world of social
media, here you can learn (and teach us as well)! - Two days off a week: explore Fót and its surroundings on your days off
Further info:
The volunteering activity is mainly related to the activities carried out by the Fót Public Service Non-Profit Ltd.
Primary tasks:
- to participate in the organisation of events,
- liaising with young people in the Youth House at Somlyó lake (board game club, film club, etc.) and participating in schools’s life, secondary/high schools
- participation in park maintenance (planting flowers, playground maintenance) and perform other related tasks, joining the gardening team.
- photography of events, video production, social media content production
All activities take place within the city.
The accommodation will be simple, comfortable, and clean. We provide double rooms for the volunteers. The room comes with a separate kitchen and bathroom. The accommodation is located in the city center and is easily accessible by public transport.
Numerous grocery stores, canteens, and restaurants are also easily accessible in the city, close to the accommodation.
About Fót:
Fót is located in the vicinity of Budapest, 17 km from the Hungarian capital. More than 20,000 people live in the city, including many families with young children. The city offers numerous opportunities for recreation and exploring nature, and also all the programs in the nearby Budapest are easily accessible by public transport.
About the Hosting Organization:
Fóti Közszolgáltató Nonprofit Kft, as a company of the Municipality of Fót, organizes events for families and young people in addition to city maintenance tasks, and park maintenance is also one of its key responsibilities. We are looking for volunteers for these two areas to make our work and achievements more colorful. We are curious about your opinions and insights regarding the development of our city.
We aim to make our city beautiful, livable, and green. We want to organize meaningful, high-quality, and varied programs for the residents of Fót. We host large events (Carnival, Easter, May Day, Children's Day) as well as smaller ones. On a weekly basis, we strive to organize programs for school-aged children at the sports and recreation center in the Fóti Somlyó Lake area, ensuring meaningful leisure activities for them. We are looking for open-minded young people who love working with children and can show new opportunities to our children. We are open to new ideas!
We warmly welcome you to the team!
Fóti Közszolgáltató Nonprofit Kft. and the City of Fót
All about ESC - What is the European Solidarity Corps program?
All the details you find on this link:
What to expect from being involved as a volunteer in this program? Here you go. -
All about about Henner insurance you can find on this link:
You will get a Youth Pass certificate after your voluntary service, here you can get more information about what Youth Pass is and how you can note your learnings.

Project code: 2024-1-HU01-ESC51-VTJ-000205308