Open calls

What is a Training course? - in general

A training course is a structured program providing guidance and practice in a specific field or profession to improve one’s skills, knowledge and attitudes.

Training courses have a specific topic that participants get a deeper understanding about. The methods that we use are based on non-formal learning.  Active participation and team spirit are essential for the collective learning process to take place.  It's usually 5-9 day long and with 15-25 participants from different countries.  Participation costs vary, but travel and lodging are usually covered. A participation fee may be requested depending on circumstances. 

In order to participate in a training course, an NGO must support your application. If you are interested in any of the following training opportunities, we are happy to support you in the application process. 

Past Events

Eco-ToT (Training of Trainers) Long-Term Training Course

8-14 September, 2024, Etyek, Hungary

24-30 May, 2025, Etyek, Hungary

Application deadline: 7th July, 2024

WHAT IS Eco-ToT Long-Term Training Course?
Eco-ToT is a 9 month educational programme for trainers active in international youth work to explore and improve our own ecological literacy and to learn how to facilitate eco-competence development through the training courses we design and deliver. Participants that successfully complete the Eco-ToT will become part of a Pool of EcoTrainers (PoET).

Aims of this learning process:

  • to walk trainers through a process by which they become more ecoliterate
  • to explore how non-formal education can contribute to young people becoming more ecoliterate
  • to gain deeper understanding on systematic problems and challenges
  • to empower, equip and motivate participants for environmental-related education
  • to enhance the integration of the GreenComp Framework in paticipants' practices
  • to create a community of professionals who use non formal methods for education for sustainability.



The learning experience includes two six-day residential events held at the Szatyor Community House in Etyek, Hungary, along with an online mentoring process in between.

The first residential training, taking place from 8-14 of September 2024, will guide you through a journey to enhance your ecoliteracy, emphasising the crucial role of (non-formal) education in achieving environmental sustainability. You'll be introduced to approaches such as systems thinking, nature connection, and mindfulness, among others. Additionally, the program will include practical ways to incorporate the GreenComp framework into the trainings you design and deliver.

The online mentoring will support you in implementing what you have learned. This phase will combine mentoring by an experienced eco-trainer and peer support group sessions. The estimated time commitment for this phase is 1-2 hours per month, from October 2024 to May 2025.

The second residential training, running from 24-30 of May, 2025 (24th and the 30th are the traveling dayes), will build on your experiences gained during the implementation phase. This training will provide you with additional tools and methods to further develop your and your trainee's ecoliteracy. We will explore how to enhance the impact of our work and engage participants in deeper learning. Additionally, we aim to create a community of eco-trainers, with an open invitation to all participants of the Eco-ToT.

The training is hosted by Szatyor Association in Hungary and organized in cooperation with Asociación Biodiversa in Spain. It is funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.


The training is facilitated by trainers with wide experience on ecoliteracy and sustainability-related approaches. 
Esther Vallado - Asociación Biodiversa, Spain
Era Karman - Szatyor Association, Hungary
Donát Lanszki - Szatyor Association, Hungary


For this educational program, we invite non-formal education trainers and facilitators who want to further develop their trainers' competences with a strong focus on environmental sustainability.

This educational process is for you if:

  • you are familiar with training basics,
  • you have designed and delivered several trainings in an international multicultural context, 
  • you have knowledge and experience in group dynamics, facilitation of learning processes, youth work,
  • you are interested and motivated in becoming more ecoliterate as well as in facilitating that process in your trainees,
  • you want to understand how to integrate the GreenComp in your professional practice,
  • you are motivated and available to take an active part in the entire LTTC (two personal training courses and practice phase in between),
  • your current residency is in the EU.


The residential parts of this educational program will take place in Etyek, Hungary. It is a village, situated 30 km west of Budapest. We host this event at Szatyor Association's Community House which offers simple and decent living space with several bathrooms, a common kitchen inside and outside and a living room area. Participants will be accommodated in rooms of 3-4 beds. It is also possible to sleep in tents. The house has a surrounding garden that we will also use for some of our activities.


We aim for the most ecological choices in food. We use seasonal, organic ingredients from local farmers. The basic approach is plant-based (vegan) meals with some vegetarian options if necessary.


- This project is financed by the European Commission as part of the Erasmus+ Programme,
- transportation, accommodation, food and training materials are covered to the limits determined in the Programme Guide,

- participants are required to book their transport (flights, busses, trains) to and from Etyek and we will refund the eligible costs to you after your successful participation and based on the tickets provided,
- refund of travel costs will happen after completion of the agreed dissemination activities for each residential events.



- Fill in the application form before 7 of July 2024 (final deadline)
- after confirmation of your participation, purchase your travel tickets within the deadline you will be given,

- attend and participate actively in the entire educational program from 8 to 14, September 2024 and 24-30  May, 2025.

- take part in the online mentoring program between the 2 residential parts (minimum 4 online meetings between October 2024 and May 2025), 
- engage in all preparation and follow-up activities.


- Applications will be reviewed and accepted or not, based on motivation and suitability for this programme,
- more details such as preparatory tasks will be shared after selection via email,
- after the training, you will receive a YouthPass and an Eco-ToT certificate in a digital format.

Kisebbségek közösségben


2024. május 30. - június 2. “Én és a közösségem” - 4 napos elvonulás, Gömör, Szlovákia 

2024. október 17-20. “Közösségem létrehozása, vezetése” - 4 napos elvonulás,  Etyek, Magyarország

Jelentkezési határidő: 2024. március 20.


'A környezettudatosság szerintünk az önismerettel kezdődik és a közösségekben teljesedik ki' - ez volt az egyik mottónk amikor megálmodtuk ezt a projektet. Az elmúlt 2 évben egy projekt keretében közösségi facilitátorokat indítottunk útjára. Tanulási sikereik, személyes-szakmai fejlődésük arra  motivált minket, hogy teret adjunk a folytatásnak, hogy minél több közösséget elindító, közösségben tudatosan jelenlevő ember mozdítson előre pozitív folyamatokat

A képzéssorozat 2 személyes alkalomból áll, amit 3 alkalommal egyéni online beszélgetés egészít ki, támogatva ezzel az egyéni fejlődési folyamatokat.   A folyamatban összesen 15 fő vesz részt, három országból,  Magyarországról, Szlovákiából és Szerbiából. A képzéssorozat közös nyelve a magyar
A tanuális élmény fókusza a közösségi folyamatokban való tudatos jelenlét és az önismeret. Egyik sincs meg a másik nélkül, ezek egyensúlya a személyes fejlődésben kiemelt és elengedhetetlen. Módszereinket a tapasztalati/ nem formális tanulás megközelítésére építjük figyelembe véve a reflexiót és a mindennapi életbevaló integrálás fontosságát.


Ha érdekel az önismereti munka, közösségi tapasztalás és tanulás, kommunikációs és kapcsolódási technikák elsajátítása és használata - mindez gyakorlatban, saját élményben, akkor ez a program neked szól!

Ismerősek ezek a gondolatok?

🍃Már nem akarsz egyedül megoldani mindent,
🍃Szeretnél őszintén, magadat adva kapcsolódni másokhoz
🍃A “magány világjárvány” ellenszerét keresed,
🍃Már nem másban keresed a hibát, hanem magadon akarsz változtatni
🍃Szeretnél egy megtartó, biztonságos és valódi közösséget, de nem tudod, hogy indulj el.

Ha tudsz egy, vagy több gondolattal azonosulni, akkor jó eséllyel válaszokat találsz ezekre az elvonulások során. 


Kármán Era (nem formális képző, szervezetfejlesztő szupervizor) 

Szegi Ari (mentálhigiénés segítő, integrál csoportvezető) vezetik.


KompAkt Szlovákia, Vajdasági Waldorf Közösség és a Szatyor Egyesület  

A tavaszi személyes alkalom Gömörben (Szlovákia), az őszi alkalom a Szatyor Egyesület Közösségi Házában, Etyeken lesz. 


🍃Minden költség az Erasmus+ program által finanszírozott, beleértve az utazási, szállás, étkezési költségeket, illetve maga a részvételt a személyes elvonulásokon és a 3 online egyéni beszélgetés alkalmakon. 
🍃A kiválasztás után visszaigazoljuk részvételedet a képzési folyamatban és egy egyszeri, 50 Eurós regisztrációs díjjal tudod azt biztosítani.

🍃Teljes részvétel mindkét személyes elvonuláson.
🍃Az elvonulások előtti felkészülési folyamatban való aktív részvétel.
🍃A jelentkezési űrlap kitöltése 2024 március 20-áig
🍃A képzést követő e-book elkészítésében való aktív részvétel, illetve a képzés értékelő folyamataiban való részvétel (kérdőívek kitöltése, visszajelzések).

🍃 A kiválasztás a jelentkezésekben megfogalmazott motivációk és a küldő szervezetek preferenciája alapján történnek.
🍃A kiválasztott résztvevőknek részletes információs levelet küldünk.
🍃A képzéssorozat elvégézést tanusítvánnyal és Youth Pass-szal igazoljuk, amit  PDF formában küldünk majd ki. 


Read about the Minorities in Community project

Download our Minorities in Community e-book!

Minorities in Community - The labyrinth of self-awareness

What happens when the process of self-awareness isn’t just about you, but also about the people around you? When discovering your own patterns isn’t solely about overcoming personal boundaries but also about how others perceive you and what they see in you? We call this collective self-awareness, where self-discovery becomes a shared mirror, reflecting how others see us and the emotions they evoke within us.

Read more »

CLIPS Training

Training Course

15-20 April 2024 | Etyek, Hungary

Application deadline: 28th of February, 2024

CLIPS is a solution-oriented program to guide community-led projects in their initial steps – and for existing initiatives that struggle with problems or simply need revitalization. The purpose of CLIPS is to suggest and explain a framework for approaching community development. It also points out specific tools found useful by existing community-led projects.

During the 5-day Community Training, you become familiar with the CLIPS framework. You will learn and try out different methods related to the different aspects of group dynamics. We aim to facilitate the transfer of knowledge from lessons learned, providing groups with the tools to move through the stages of community development and manage the associated challenges, increasing overall success and sustainability. You will also have the chance to learn from the experience of the other participants and exchange community experiences.The training is hosted by Szatyor Association, Hungary and is organized in cooperation with GEN-NL, Sunny Hill (SLO) and Nyim Ecocommunity, Hungary. Further partner organizations are Villa Flora (CZ), GEN Germany, Asociația de Tineret ONESTIN (RO) Zeleno Doba (SRB), Veles (SLO), Suderbyn (S) and GEN Ukraine. The training is funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.
During the training you will learn how to facilitate group processes using the CLIPS framework. Participating in this training allows you to join the GEN-WE project and GEN Europe's CLIPS community.
Please, read the CLIPS guide before the training! You can download it here.
The training is facilitated by the experiences trainers team. They have a lot of community experience and look forward to the training!
Manja Vrenko - Sunny Hill, Slovenia
Monique Wijn - GEN Netherlands
Fanni Sall and Dani Zimmermann - Nyim Ecocommunity, Hungary

We invite for our event facilitators, youth workers and community members working with young people in their organizations, ecovillages, ecocommunities with the following characteristics:
- live in one of the participating countries: (Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden Romania and Ukraine).
- are involved in creating, organizing and implementing sustainability-related events and activities for young people
- can facilitate and mentor on a regular basis the various learnings of a young person or/and a youth group
- are all strongly committed to sustainability and ecological living in both rural and urban environments
- support, empower and inspire young people to take an active role in finding alternatives for climate change issues - in many different ways
- be motivated to explore new approaches in youth work
- have the ability to do the follow-up initiative
- ready to support dissemination and visibility activities online and offline
- curious to learn and you appreciate diversity in every sense.

This Clips Community Training will take place in Etyek, Hungary. It is a village we host this event in Szatyor Association's Community House which offers simple and decent living space with several bathrooms, a common kitchen inside and outside and a living room area. Participants will be accommodated in rooms of 4-6 beds. It is possible also to sleep in tents. The house has a surrounding garden that we will also use for some of our activities.

We aim for the most ecological choices in food as well. We use seasonal, organic ingredients from local farmers. The basic approach is plant-based meals, if necessary with some vegetarian options.

- It is financed by the European Commission as part of the Erasmus+ program
- transportation, accommodation, food and training materials are covered to the determined limits
- participants are required to book their transport (flights, busses, trains) to and from Etyek and we will refund the eligible costs to you after your successful participation and based on the provided tickets
- Refund of travel costs is after implementing the local follow-up initiative.

- Attend the entire activity from 15 to 20 April 2024.
- engage in all preparation and follow-up activities
- fill out the application form before 28 February 2024 (final deadline)
- purchase your travel tickets after confirmation of your participation
- follow-up takes place May 2024- December 2024 (local implementation of follow-up initiatives).

- Applications will be reviewed and accepted based on motivation and eligibility
- more details such as preparatory tasks will be shared after selection via email
- after the training, you will receive a YouthPass and a Clips certificate in PDF form.



Live Sustainably

Training Course

9-17 August 2022 | Máriahalom, Hungary

Application deadline: 1st of July, 2022

“Live sustainably” is a training course for youth workers, trainers and facilitators with an interest in promoting and facilitating sustainable living practices in the youth they work with.

The aim of the training is to provide the knowledge, attitudes and skills participants need in order to effectively encourage and facilitate lifestyle changes towards environmental sustainability in the youth they work with.

This will be done in an experiential and participatory way, utilising the same tools that the participants can afterwards put in practice in their work with young people. We will dig deeper and explore the root causes of the unsustainable behaviour patterns that most young people have, and we will explore different ways in which we can change this rationale in order to create sustainable lifestyle changes which don’t compromise the survival of future generations.

The Training will last 9 days (arrival on 9/8/2022 and departure on 17/8/2022). There will be 30 participant from 10 countries. The language of the event is English. 

The activities will be based on non formal education methodologies and will focus on:

  • provide participants possibility to understand more the current environmental situation locally and globally and improve their competences (knowledge, attitudes and abilities) to be able to choose more respectful life with the planetary boundaries and to facilitate effectively a change of habits towards sustainability among the young people they work with;
  • equip youth workers with methods and practices to be able to facilitate group processes with young people on sustainable related issues
  • encourage critical thinking to learn to unmask frequent phenomena such as “green washing” (or fake sustainability), fake perceptions of certain commodities as “cheap”, etc.
  • share resources and tools to inform and raise awareness of young people about the importance of caring for the environment, inspire and motivate them to modify their lifestyle towards more sustainable ones;
  • join in an international group of youth workers interested in promoting sustainability among the youth they work with.

With this project we want to contribute to more young people knowing, practising and promoting environmental sustainability, and this way improve the capacity of our planet to satisfy the needs of the future generations.

We are looking for applicants between 20 and 40 years old who have connection working youngsters or young adult from the following countries: Albania, Hungary, Slovenia,  Portugal, Romania, Italy, Spain, France and the UK. 

All related costs are covered by the Erasmus+ KA1 found. 

Apply here!

Write us an email if you have further questions or intend to participate.