Youth exchange programmes revolve around a central topic which is agreed upon by two partner organizations. Through the mutual sharing of skills, knowledge and experiences, a programme is developed for the event.  

Methods are based on non-formal learning and active participation, sharing is essential for the collective learning process already in the preparation and the event as well.

It takes usually 7-15 days and with 20-40 participants from the partner organizations (specific countries). 

Cost can be varied, usually travel and lodging costs are covered, participation fee or contribution can be requested. 

In order to participate on a training course, you need an NGO who supports you. If you are interested on any of the following training opportunities, we are happy to support you in the application process. 



Location: Italy

Dates:  7-18, OCTOBER, 2023

Link for application is in the infopack below!

PDF – 3.3 MB 513 downloads


Summer, 2023

Partner countries: Romania, Italy, Slovenia, Hungary

Location: Etyek, Hungary

Dates: 1st - 11th July

We are looking for people aged 17-30 for a Youth Exchange opportunity in Etyek, Hungary about sustainable and healthy food alternatives.

Where? A large house with gardens in the countryside.

What? Non-formal learning activities (workshops, trips, hands-on cooking, quizzes)

Who? 30 young people ( participants aged 17-30 and group leader 18+ per team from Hungary, Romania, Italy, Slovenia and Portugal.

How much it costs? All costs (accommodation, food, travel, logistics) are covered by the Erasmus+ program if the European Commission.

 E-mail address:

All information and application here.