"The one who plants trees, knowing that he will never sit in their shade, has at least started to understand the meaning of life."

Rabindranath Tagore

What volunteering really means? Give a helping hand for people, projects? Being part of a different world for a while and experiencing something totally new than before? Learn how to connect and cooperate with other? Using freetime in a meaningful way? 

There are numeros more questions and everyone has its own individual answer. The definition depends on what you are looking for and if you are open for an adventure that will shape your thoughts, your values and open up many unexpected opportunities. 

Are you ready for this adventure? You can start with something short or jump into something longer and more challenging!

The power of volunteering

“You must give some time to your fellow men. Even if it’s a little thing, do something for others—something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.”

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