In September we dedicated a serious amount of time to recover from the busy and exhausting hot August, so after the rest we organised smaller scale events and dedicated our time to finish our strawbale building. We held one longer event in cooperation with the Hungarian Strawbale Builders Association, when we were almost able to finish the wall of the house. Our architect, Gabi Révész led the course with her colleague, Tamás, whos father also joined to us with a special machine what he inwented to make the bales more compact.
For some weeks also Sonja’s friends joined to us, they worked a lot on finishing the watercollecting system of the strawbale house, and one of them came with me and Sonja to participate in an ecology and community related art event in Pécs, were I participated as an artist.
We did as many harvesting and preserving as possible during the whole year, but September was the most pdoductive definitely. Sonja and Igor made tomato souce, I made many types of jams, Adedayo, and Sonja harvested nuts also.
As the weather was friendlier, we did again some tree protection work, when we collected branches from the community’s forest and organize a path for future visitors. We bring the sticks to the field and arrange them around small trees that need protection from deers.
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