On Saturday 12th we spent few great hours with Balazs Tarnoczi, videographer, content creator, digital specialist and super versatile and creative person, who made a workshop for us here in Etyek community house.
We started with talking about social media, video broadcasting platforms and others sources of video content that we normally use in order to recieve information, get inspired or for entertaining purposes.
It turned out the almost all of us volunteers are not very active in video content consuming that probably has something to do with our mutually shared wish to more contemplative way of life which is close to nature and activities that require physical engagement, but almost all of us came to a conclusion that the most attractive topics for us are travels, history, art, environmental issues and entertaining.
Balazs made very informative review of the most used equipment and software needed to create decent videos for different occasions and purposes. Showing us cameras, lenses, sound recording equipment, talking about his experience, challenges, funny and sometimes bizzare but yet eye-opening stories that can happen while shooting, he was inspiring us to expirement with the smallest available means such as smartphones and to start depicting our daily community activities, make a documentary of our life here, think wider of what kind of story can be told using the language of light and movement.
We appreciate that he entrusted us with so many valuable equipment in order to give us a feeling of how it is to be a videographer. At the final part of a workshop we went out on our beautiful sunny yard and started practicing - shooting each other making parkour tricks, capturing scenes of nature, making short video sketches and many more. We had an opportunity to get to know each other better from completely different angle then we did before.
The guest of a programm was a screen reflector that we desperately tried to fold and put back in a case that reminded some of us how sometimes we throw off the responsibility for folding down the camping tent.
It was really cool and inspiring experience and we are waiting for new workshops with Balasz and till that moment we are gonna keep practicing in video making.