On Wednesday, the 3rd of March, we met Andi, a local fashion designer, the first time. Our upcoming project:"Jeans-Upcycling-Yoga pillows"
Before the meeting, Mathilde, Valentina, Gabor and Enrico, had already cut some old jeans into bigger pieces.
On this pieces, we drew patterns and cut them out of the fabric, in order to sew them together later on.
Sadly, the fabrics of the jeans were often so different from each other that we first had to adapt them.
After the sewing, the leftovers from the jeans which we couldn't use elsewhere, was put into the empty pillows.
Finally, we closed the cushions.
Since they looked a little bit blank, this Wednesday we started to embroider our pillows in various ways.
We had a lot of fun doing it and will continue in the future.