Szatyor Birthday

Last month Szatyor celebrated both its 12th birthday and worms! The anniversary, taking place in the beginning of May, is always a perfect opportunity for a garden party.

Since the beginning of the year, composting worms have been taking care of processing kitchen waste at the Szatyor house. Therefore the party theme had to be worms of course, as we wanted to spread awareness on the importance of their amazing work. The gathering was all about composting and the value of organic waste! The program included various activities such as indoor DIY worm composting solutions, making seedbombs, a presentation about outdoor composting as well as many other composting tips and tricks. Even the little ones could find something to do; they made worms out of salt dough beads in all the colors of the rainbow. Some even found joy in touching and playing with the worms. By the evening the food was ready, we got a little bit of live music played by a friend and got to play some games as well. 

Personally, I really enjoyed making decorations for the event. We focused on making them as sustainable as possible, so we used old jeans and and old damaged skirt to make cute triangle garlands. 

Like every year, it was beautiful to see our community come together and fill up the Szatyor garden to celebrate nature!


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