Sustainable Food is food that is safe and healthy to eat. It is produced without dangerous pesticides and chemicals, non-essential antibiotics or growth promotion supplements.
Importance of Sustainable Food
- Improves health and contributes to food security - limits the consumption of meat and fish to protect biodiversity.
- Protect against climate change
- Our environment would be safe to live in - Less water usage and preservation of water and resources
- Reduces waste and increase healthy consumption - generates less waste and encourages the consumption of local products.
- Reduces sickness and diseases in our environment
- Sustainable food produces regenerative farming practices with more nutrient.
Sustainable Eating
It is also important we eat in a sustainable way:
- Sustainable eating involves selecting foods that are healthy for our bodies and the environment. This means foods that provide a balanced diet for the body
- Eat Different Types of Foods
For example; instead of restricting your protein food to beef only, other food such as fish, eggs and legumes can help to add omega-3 fats, omega-6 fats, and antioxidants to the body.
- Eat More Plant Based Foods
Plant-based foods are food such as nuts, beans, and vegetables. Plant-based foods have been demonstrated to be healthier to the body compared to animal-based food. People from Asian communities such as Malaysia and China largely rely on plant-based foods.
- Reduce/Avoid Wasting Food
It is waste of resources and cash to buy food and trash it. It is important that we review family food requirements and only buy what is needed and enough quantity.

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