Practice of tolerance

Practice of Tolerance training, Vilnius

From 30th November-9th December I had the chance to participate in a training called Practice of Tolerance in Vilnius, Lithuania.
The aim of the project was to open our eyes to the everyday difficulties of different ethnicities and minorities. We had tasks and discussions about tolerance, hate speech, respect and discirimination, where we could share our own or just listen to each others stories regarding these topics. We had participants from 18 nationalities, which gave us chance to hear about very deep issues. It was very emotional and eye opening. I wanted to take part in this training because I am from a country that is quite discriminative towards foreigners and I wanted to hear more about them and their problems personally. It was also very interesting to just share about our everyday lives and political issues.
This training gave me the perspective I searched for. Now more than ever I realise how pribileged I am as a white european woman.
In my free time I went out to explore the beautiful city of Vilnius. It was -7 degrees the whole time with a lot of snow and lots and lots of Christmas decorations. It really get me into the Christmas spirit! Luckily it is not too big of a capital city and I could get everywhere on foot and was able to see everything I planned to see.
All in all I am really grateful for this very colorful and eye-opening project.


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