Build a rural innovation HUB with us!

**The Common Horse Community** is a group of nine enthusiastic young people who participated in the "Community Facilitators" innovation program. As a result of the 1.5 years spent together in the project, they decided to build their own community, which they named "Common Horse." Our community aims to provide opportunities for members and associated individuals to discover themselves and their goals in a real community.

Our goal is to establish a Rural Innovation Center/HUB in Kerkakutas, where one of our members, Mátyás, currently lives with his family. We envision this HUB as a meeting point for our own community, but it can also serve as a community office, a venue for training and camps, and a beautiful, livable shared living space.

Since the Community Facilitator program was coordinated by the Szatyor Association, it was natural to support the Common Horse project with a group volunteering effort.

**Volunteer Tasks:**
- Various types of earthworks
- Building raised beds
- Creating new garden beds and preparing for planting (weeding and hoeing)
- Planting new vegetable plants
- Mulching the new beds
- Building an herb spiral from bricks
- Preparing and rearranging the main barn into a community space
- Preparing a small garden pond
- Finalizing the garden shower
- Removing an old saw machine from the building
- Cooking and baking (pizza, chimney cake, and various foods)
- Sanding and painting the wooden boards of the summer kitchen
- Building a garden path made of stones
- Tidying up the kitchen
- Cleaning out the hayloft
- Planting potatoes with the tractor
- Preparing a plot of land for planting by removing brick fragments, planting some plants
- Preparing and painting OSB boards for displaying papers in the barn

**Completed Tasks:**
- New wooden wall of the summer kitchen
- Two new brick paths in the garden
- Rearranged the community barn
- Cleaned out the hayloft
- Built a new raised bed
- Herb spiral made of bricks
- A small garden pond
- Three new wooden tables

**Non-task-related Activities:**
- Playing volleyball
- Ball game for learning names
- Sharing expectations, fears, and goals for the volunteer period
- Sharing personal stories for self-introduction
- "Listening game" (sharing thoughts for 5 minutes while another participant listens attentively without questions or reactions, then switching)
- Learning the principles and design of permaculture
- Learning non-violent communication
- Daily opening and closing circles to share experiences and concerns
- Learning Hungarian folk dances
- Night karaoke party and dance club
- Singing around the campfire
- Baking traditional Hungarian chimney cake

The project involved 15 young people from France, Portugal, Italy, and Hungary.